Lee Yi chong


Dear Song Xie ming,

You will be very surprised when you receive my email. My name is Lee Yi chong/zhong/, your 36years? ago former teacher in WaiFu. I still remember very well when you were about 9 or 10 years old in my Russian class, a quiet boy with a round face. It's so exciting when I saw your face again on the net as a leader of WaiFu' s net. Thanks for the modern Hi-Tech , it helps us to connect the Waifu people together to get the old memories back about the He Ping Men times 20 years ago

I immigrated with my family to US. Now we reside in San Francisco. A couple months ago I received an email from my former student Song Xiao tong and Huang Xiao yan. We both were very exciting to write and talk on the line about the other students. As I heard you all doing very successful in your career, and I really proud of you.

Thank you and the other friends, for your effort to connect us together.

Also, I saw Song Dai's name and picture on my PC. You know he is the one who is unforgettable. He always gave me a hard time in the classroom. I still can remember what his homework look like!! Now he is doing great! I have his email address and really want to email him if he doesn’t mind. Sorry for writing you in English because I don't have Chinese software and my computer skill is poor. That's why I just got through to Waifu's net recently. Say Hi to my old students. It is nice to know Liu Han was my student too!! I like his works such as "Zhang Da ming, Ju Dou", but I never realize the great writer is Liu Guan jiang. The girls in your class I can remember much better since they all doing excellent well and never gave me any 'trouble'. Another fat boy in my mind is Jian Jin xian. Where is he now?

Also Wang dong nin, is he the boy with the big eyes? Too much to say about the years when we worked together. Now I'm an old woman but still with the good memories. Hopefully you could reply to me /in English/ and let me you phone number. I wish you and you family all the best.       


Your former
teacher Lee Yi chong
my email address; JoanneLee80@aol.com

My phone number: 415-584-9821
San Francisco, USA



Editor’s note:

Our classrooms faced north. Near them was a courtyard with a brick floor in it. A little far away, in the shadows of trees stood the teachers’ diningroom. During the break between two classes we went out of our classrooms and did exercises in the yard to the sound of music. After that ping-pong fans would rush to the ping-pong tables to play table-tennis on them.

If it rained a little too much, rain water would stay on the yard floor. If it went on raining, the yard would be covered with lichen.

No matter what the weather was like—sunny, rainy, windy or snowy , hot or cold, reading aloud of English, Russian, Spanish and French in a clear voice could be heard.

Dear Teacher Lee Yi chong, you were among us!