


第六期《外附人》刊登了我介绍儿子程征在法国留学的文章。现应总编辑刘惠杰兄之约, 将儿子报考美国斯坦福大学的作文提供给大家。

2002年的深秋,斯坦福大学要求考生提交作文的期限快到了,儿子程征却显得不慌不忙的。 我都有点着急了。 一天晚上,他来了灵感,坐在电脑前把作文完成了。我一读,感觉还真不错,这是儿子平时勤于读书,精于思考的结果。后来儿子果真被斯坦福大学录取了(他最后选择了麻省理工学院)。




     Question:Of the activities, interests and experiences listed previously, which is the most meaningful to you and why?

     Answer: The most meaningful activity should broaden my vision of what is possible, engage me in an interactive process of learning and entertaining and above all, help me find a sense of fulfilment.

     Guitar would easily do the trick. It complements my fondness for science. Art is intuitive, while science is analytical. Before I discovered the tight ties between them my perception of their difference made it seem to me as if they were two worlds apart.

     Fortunately one day in science class the subject of waves and resonance came up. I learned that these beautiful sounds could be well produced according to some physical laws on strings. I became fascinated by the correlation between art and science ever since. The fact that beauty exists both in nature and human creativity struck me so that I went around to read all the books on these subjects.

     Now it thrills me to let the soothing melody run from my fingertips on the guitar. As I play the instrument I would often think about how the harmonic vibration of the chord is produced, while the natural flow of the music permeates my small room and exalt my senses, carrying the body of my passion for science and art towards a merry land…








     2 Relate a personal experience that reveals something about you to your future college roommate.


    Though it’s a bit weird, according to the French manner, when one sneezes one is supposed to shut both the mouth and nose (with the assistance of your thumb if necessary) so as to prevent the sneeze from breaking out. It’s considered rude to sneeze the germs soaked in nasal mucus out from your nasal cavity in public place. This is a good etiquette. I’m sure. But it can be used for criminal purposes as well.

    Yes you bet. I have been caught once because I to some extent misused this basic etiquette. I didn’t conceive this malevolent action in advance, however, I still think I was innocent. Here’s what happened; I was talking with a nice girl on whom I have got a secret crush. I felt that she quite liked me as well that day. We were on some hot topic at that moment when suddenly I needed to sneeze. Well, be it so, I should just apply the normal ritual to prevent it from happening”. I took a breath and blocked my mouth and nose before the sneeze was ready. Then I waited as usual for it to pass. But it didn’t come immediately. The girl must have found something was wrong by my awkward look. I forced myself to stay calm, but the sneeze came precisely then and there. I reacted to it right away by reblocking my nose. Did I make it? No, my mouth was half open. Instead of a sneeze it sounded rather like a fart…

    The message of the story? Hope you won’t witness it happen in our future dorm roomJ


     作文二: 请向你未来的大学室友讲述一段个人经历,使室友对你有所了解。


    听着,一次我就因冒犯了这一起码的礼仪而漏了怯。我可不是明知故犯,我至今也认为自己是清白无邪的。事情是这样的:一次,我和一个我暗恋已久的女孩子聊天,那天她似乎也特别喜欢我。谈兴正浓,我忽然想打喷嚏。 我只要按老规矩办事,打喷嚏时千万别出声就行了。我深深地吸了口气,用手捂住了嘴和鼻子,然后等待着那股气流的释放。但那股气竟没有出来。从我尴尬的表情上,女孩可能感到有点不对劲儿了,我赶紧强装镇定。说时迟,那时快,打喷嚏的感觉又来了,我赶紧再次捂住鼻子。我是否如愿以偿了呢?没有。我的嘴微微地半张着,喷嚏没打出来,却发出了放屁般的声音



     3 Essay: Risk comes in many forms - exploring an idea, bridging a social divide, confronting one’s fears. Reflect on a risk you have taken and introduce us to your thoughts.


 After years of experience one thing has become self evident to me: I tend to lose sight of my meager budget when I browse at the bookstore, however little money is left I would not hesitate a second to buy a book that appeals to me at the first sight. Knowing my weakness, I train myself to be more considerate before purchasing whenever I could.

   Early this year I heard that the long awaited science book called A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram would be published soon. I had known Stephen Wolfram as a child prodigy who wrote his first scientific paper on high energy particles at the age of 15 and gained the genius MacArthus award for his leading role in scientific research when he was barely 21. I had also read many of his early papers and discoveries on a relatively recent development of physics called the theory of complexity. This time the new volume is said to incorporate his even more fascinating ideas on the nature of the universe, but the big difference is he hasn’t revealed his work to the public for ten years now and the book promises a major paradigm shift in scientific thinking.

     With much interest and curiosity, I closely followed the development of the book through its final editing stage in the news and magazines like Wired which interviewed him and asked him to provide cues about the content of the book to the readers. Though Stephen tried to keep the secret before the media and thus maintaining the mystery, he disclosed that the book’s main thesis is the emergence of complexity out of simplicity, and that nature may act like a big machine which computates and generates the complexity scientists and normal alike observe everywhere in their various environment.

    What a tempting present for my summer reading! I decided upon hearing the final date of the publication I will get a copy of the book as soon as it appears in France. One day in mid May I logged on my Amazon account and checked the availability of the book. To my great surprise the purchase button became already activated. Now the button suddenly formed a grinning demon on the screen, its face sparkled with provocative lights. It constantly urged me to push it, I could remotely hear its whisper “presss me, press me”. My eyes refocused on the purchase icon, the book cover appeared beside the price tag with its elegant crisscrossing yellow grids that represented the core of the program 33 of his book. I recognized the pattern of the program because again and again Stephen has stressed the importance of some particular algorithmic programs called cellular automaton that could produce perplexing results with extremely simple inputs. I immediately recalled that the pattern is said to be present in nature, in fact, it mimicked the mollusk image.

      I couldn’d understand why the book has arrived so soon. “Does it mean I’m at last going to quench my insatiable appetite for science before the summer vacation?”. I forced myself to take a deep breath, but suddenly realized that the book cost 60 Euros and was 1,200 pages thick. For Christ’s sake did he really click his mouse 2 hundred million time during the compilation and experiment period on computer? On the second thought, 60 Euros stood for more than 300 Francs and would need my 3 months’ meticulous economy, provided that I refrain from buying CDs of course! Would I put myself into misery for the summer and, instead of enjoying hanging out with friends and buying each other drinks, read the voluminous scientific magnum opus?

     I shook  with the fearful prospect if I just pushed the button. I could feel my heart racing. My blood pressure must have increased by half in one second, my vision is fading! I could hardly breathe! I could imagine my money flowing away to distant lands of publishing companies

       I pushed the button!

     Three months later, I’m filled with joy and spiritual sublimation from discovering the many whimsical ideas in the book. My friends are coming back tanned from their beach vacation but also rusty on their physics knowledge. I smiled lightly and for the first time in my life had the feeling that I had made a right decision.




    今年上半年,我听说盼望已久的史蒂芬沃尔佛莱姆(Stephen Wolfram)所著“一种新型科学”(A New Kind of Science)一书就要出版了。我早就知道史蒂芬沃尔佛莱姆是个神童,十五岁时就写下有关高能粒子的科学论文,二十一岁时因其科学研究上的重要作用而荣获“麦克阿瑟奖。我读过不少他的早期论文,也拜读了他后来的称为”复杂理论“的物理新说。听说他即将出版的这本新书更加引人入胜,书中将介绍他有关宇宙本质的思考。更重要的是,此书是他沉寂十年之后再次向公众展示其科学思想的重大突破。






